I'm including a pic of a parkpre road frame.
From what I understand the frame was built around 90-91 solely for
sponsered riders and weren't available at least in this colour scheme for
retail sale.
The bikes were supposedly built by Landshark custom for the intended rider.
I've yet to be able to contact Landshark to confirm this but considering the
on the bike are 54ctc seat tube with an unusual 57ctc top tube I'm inclined
to believe it to be custom. The tubing is full Tange prestige including the
Good luck with the site. -Russell
Reply from Ken R. Yakamoshi [son of Parkpre USA founder Cozy Yakamoshi]
After looking at the frame and paint scheme, these series of frames were
for some team Parkpre sponsored on the East Coast somewhere.
I believe it was back in 1992, also the same year they sponsored TEAM SHAKLEE.